Friday, March 31, 2006

Dance Like No One's Watching

I had to check the lunar calendar to see if there was a full moon today. It was around 60 degrees or so today and my thin blood was at a mild boil. It felt good to be out in the sun on my way to work.

While I was waiting for the "L" I caught a group of hip-hop dancers having a dance off on the platform across from me. They were really good and I enjoyed watching them dance. One was female and the other male, but they each had their own unique style.

The train was quite crowded as they are working on modernizing the Belmont stop where I was. Since this stop is a transfer hub, there were several CTA workers on the tracks doing lord knows what. This would've been beneficial for me if at least some of them were attractive. I have to say that there were a lot more hot construction types in western New York than here. My Midwest farm boy fantasy has been blown to smithereens. The northbound train came and took the dancers away.

Now I know for a fact that I’ve danced like no one is watching. Although this can be difficult in a crowded club where there are risks of being hit by a random arm attached to a drunken queen who is flailing like an electrocuted robot.

When I caught the train home, there was a kid who was doing his own version of crumping. I don't recall if he was listening to any music except for the kind that might be playing in his head. Still it was cool to observe this. It made me think of that whole phrase "Dance Like No One's Watching"- and that's just what these people were doing.


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

You have to go to Iowa for farmboys.

5:49 AM  

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