Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nasty Word of the Day

I could not resist an entry devoted to quite possibly one of the nastiest words I have ever heard that was presented to me by my good friend Kathy this past weekend.

Now we all know that every mini-culture, i.e. black, hispanic, gay etc. creates slang words like two inbred twins who speak to each other in their very own special way known as idioglossia.

With this in mind I proudly present to you the word "bdussy". Yes folks, that IS the official spelling according to Urban Dictionary dot com.

What does it mean you might ask? Well, let me tell you. It means that someone smells like booty, dick and pussy.

Here is an example below provided by an Urban Dictionary contributor.

"When my girl came home she knew I had someone in the house because she said, why does our bedroom smell like bdussy?"

What's more is Kathy heard them using this in regards to a co-worker who apparently releases this smell when she drops her drawers in the employee restroom. Now that IS truly nasty, don't you think?


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