Friday, April 21, 2006

Uncanny Part Two

Is Michael Lutin from Vanity Fair reading me like a book? Once again this month I read my horoscope and it was pretty accurate. Even my co-worker Deb gave me that knowing look.

For those of you who know me, read it and weep, tis true, tis true:


There’s trouble brewing between your 11th and 5th houses now. That could suggest problems with stepchildren, but more likely it’s a conflict between your need for intimacy and your desire to keep your options open, your commitments short-term, and your life your own. When Pluto goes direct in the 3rd house, genuinely honest communication is hard for Libras. You can blast the lady at the bank or tell off the cable guy, but saying what’s on your mind to the people you’re scared of losing is a different story.

I think I'll have to hire this guy as my life coach. Please put any spare change in a coffee can and send it to me. ha! ha!


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