Going Solo

I completely missed Pride weekend as I was working, I have to pay the rent, right? I have Market Days weekend off in August which essentially is like Pride without the parade. Plus, we have the 'Gay Games' here in July, so it is going to be a very gay summer. The joke for me of course is that George Takei was the Grand Marshall of this years parade. Becky please! Beam me up and out of here for real. The Second City indeed.
It's funny though because there is still debris from the debauchery that transpired over the weekend.People are so frickin messy.
I left for work early that morning amid some rather ominous looking clouds. Like an episode of the 4400, lesbians returned to Lakeview in a big ball of light possessing strange, paranormal powers and staking out space along the parade route. No I am not one of those gay guys who takes the opportunity to slag his sisters, I only say this because generally you don't see many in the Lakeview neighborhood with the
exception of The Closet.
My friend Paul and I briefly discussed this odd phenomenon at work. If you've read any of my previous entries you already know that I have a love/hate relationship with public transportation. However, after seeing "An Inconvenient Truth", I will gladly endure if it makes a difference to our already fragile environment, but that will be a completely different future entry.
Moving on, public transportation rerouted several buses to adjacent streets for the duration of the parade which would be felt well after the parade was over. Sunday was also ironically the launch date for the new Pink Line Service. He said that he was taking a cab home in light of this and offered that I could join him.
It was a crazy ride home to say the least. Ever arrived late at a party to find your friends well on their way? Arriving home was like that, and at this point I wasn't going to play catch up. A couple followed me in as I opened the door to the apartment building. I was greeted by the smell
of cigarette smoke and stale beer. Nasty! If I hadn't enjoyed dorm life, I was not going to start now.
Sitting at the computer Sunday evening documenting this, I reflected on the fact that I had actually been invited to two parties this year. Was I in jeopardy of getting a check mark on my gay card? This fleeting thought was silenced by a loud noise as if something heavy had fallen in the apartment. I went to investigate and discovered it was a soused couple in the interior stairwell that had attempted to climb the steps. That's gonna hurt in the morning.
We went and saw Inconvenient Truth as well...very poignant!
I don't think you have to worry about getting checked off any lists. I didn't go to the parade either...but then I didn't get invited to any parties (but I didn't know anyone throwing one)...so perhaps I've already been checked off....that's not good.
Thank you Michael. If I don't get checked off any lists, then your blessing gets mine. Does that work? :)
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