Monday, June 19, 2006

It's My Party

Well not really. Last Saturday night was a party at my friend Kathy and Tim's condo. It was a celebration of their co-habitation as well as Kathy's completion of her graduate program in psychology.

I arrived around 6:30 to help set up and came prepared with an arsenal of festive party tunes should they be required to get things going. Kathy and I spent the first few minutes catching up while formulating a plan of action. She showed me some of the changes they had made to their home. Let's just say it looks fantastic, I felt like I had stepped into the pages of Elle Decor. I had an designer chubby.

After my brief sensory overload experience, Tim and I briefly deliberated over walking or taking the car to the local Jewel to get ice for the beer and soft drinks. We wanted to prove our manliness to Kathy, after all men were originally hunter gatherers. Of course we quickly changed our minds and justified taking the car as there were a few additional items that needed to be picked up.

To our surprise there were only three Barbie Sized bags of ice at the Jewel. I went to the customer service desk to see if they had more, but was told that they wouldn't have more until the following day. This would have never happened at Wegmans Food and Pharmacy. I can still remember shoveling shredded ice into the seafood case at 6:30 am. Like a bad date, some things never really leave your memory.

We returned to the condo, filled the coolers with what ice we had and Tim was off to get more. Kathy and I set to task in the kitchen to prepare the crudité and other such snacks for the pending patients, I mean guests.

Initially I was concerned as the guest list seemed to be expanding exponentially via their Evite online invitation. I assumed their place would never hold 65+ people, even if they were coming and going.

That amount of people never transpired and after a few beers, conversation with mostly complete strangers was just fine. However, I must eat more food at these things so that I don't wake up the next morning with my body trying to eat itself.

An interesting aside was that there were two affected older gentleman who live below Kathy and Tim. They described their place as messy. Now sometimes messy is and messy isn't, but in this case they weren't kidding. They took me an a guest to see it and I felt like I was in the basement of Buffalo Bill from "The Silence of the Lambs". Sharing this home was a cat named Colette and a very obese dog whose name escapes me. Colette was lying on top of a stack of papers and magazines which immediately gave me pause to remove any that I might have left out on the floor of my apartment.

Like the English Proverb quote "all good things must come to an end", my friends Todd and Jeffrey arrived from Minneapolis around midnight and it was time to go. Cinderella was off to be a hot mess in front of the out of town guests. Which in short is to say do not follow up beer drinking with a martini(s). You too may end up throwing a water bottle across the bar, even if no one is there to see it.


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