Thursday, January 25, 2007


The ballad 'More Than Just the Two of Us' by Sneaker was playing on my iTunes player this morning and since I had procured this song through shareware, I thought I would check to see if it had been added to their digital library.

Since they are somewhat obscure and last recorded a studio album in 1982, I was not surprised they were not to be found. However, my inner geek did let out a small cry of glee when I saw that the Sneaker Pimps limited edition 'Becoming Remixed' album had been added.

Like a pig seeking truffles I had previously found methods of procuring these tracks illegally. I had contemplated purchasing a used copy from eBay, but let's face it as technology evolves, I find myself purchasing more music digitally.

Now, I can add them to my library legally albeit with one exception...I will have to rename the downloaded tracks as they are unfortunately mislabeled.


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