Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I still have clear memories of my dad giving our dog a haircut when my sister and I were growing up. Afterward He would have a pile of soft black hair nearly the size of our dog.

Fast forward to the present and Wally and I have a cat named Caribou (no, not after the coffee shop and lord knows why I named her that years ago). I like to call her booty baby as it looks like she has little different colored boots on- Wally would say this stands for her backside, which is a bit full I suppose.

Wally has taken to brushing Bou- which he tries to trick her into by feeding her and then brushing her while she's eating. It goes something like "mreeeeoooo, crunch, crunch, crunch, mreoooooooOOOO," etc.. He'll come back and show me the clumps of sandy colored fur, which admittedly are ample.

Which brings me to this lil' nugget. Did you know that you could have your cat or dogs hair spun into yarn and subsequently made into a small handbag or mittens? Perhaps you have so much of the stuff you could even have it woven into a quilt. I'd like to think that the next time I have my hair cut I could collect the clippings and have our hair spun together. Although my hair is quite coarse and would make for an itchy sweater I'm sure.

In other knitting news comes a graffiti group who tag with hand knits instead of spraypaint.


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