Snagggletooth Strikes Again

As I was booting up my computer this morning I could hardly believe my eyes. To the left of Apple startpage above iTunes Top Songs was an image of Jewel promoting the pre-release of her new album "Goodbye Alice In Wonderland". I thought hmm, snaggletooth has a new album coming out, let's go check out her website.
I love that her site says "The Official Web Site of Jewel- Singer, Songwriter, Poet, Artist." Wow...really?! Not only that, she's touring with Rob Thomas. Stop the friggin press, she likes NASCAR too! She is just so crazy like that.
As if that is not enough to start your own teeth from shifting a bit, she is also promoting The Healing Garden line of bath products which can be found in your finer drugstores next to Calgon. I guess her deal with The Gillette Company went south?
I think she should aim higher for products like Invisalign and get her teeth fixed. Maybe that's why they didn't add "Free with a Happy Meal" to the site description? At least she is smart enough to keep her mouth closed for her glamour shots.
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