Monday, August 21, 2006

Mr. Wright

A house centipede met its demise this morning as I turned my shower on. I have absolutely no idea what it was thinking as it was swept down the drain. I'm normally a live and let live kind of guy, but anything that has tentacles on either end of its body and more than eleven legs on each side of its body must die. I have visions of these things climbing up my comforter as I sleep and onto my face.

What I'm getting at is this. Just as that house centipede met its demise, you never can tell what life is going to send your way. Its full of when you least expect it moments. Like going to an art gallery opening with a toy chihuahua named Sybil running around amongst feathers on the floor or going to a level vodka party and crawling on the floor because all your self-edit button has been short-circuited by the drink. But I digress as a wonderful least expect it moment happened to be serendipitous for me.

Yes, good things come to those who wait. I think I've met a suitable suitor if you will. I find it ironic that (a. a random bartender at Mini-Bar muttered twins as he passed by us and (b. that the object of my affections last name is Wright. Yes folks this does indeed make him Mr. Wright. Although he's certainly no daddy.

Check please!


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