Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Show Us Your Wares

Yesterday evening I met up with Mr. Wright. Tuesday nights are free at the MCA and we both wanted to see the Chris Ware show. Seeing his numerous sketches and storyboards made me long to do something tactile involving pencil to paper, but I imagine my writing is an artistic expression of myself or should I say extension of myself too.

One room was devoted to his graphic novel "Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth", the other was a series called "Building Stories". These narratives explore the everyday lives of the characters who inhabit them. What I found most captivating was the detailed visual aspect which provided the framework for themes of discontent and alienation. Quite brilliantly executed I must say.

After viewing the exhibit we went out to the back terrace to listen to a jazz quartet and sit on the grass behind the museum. A chef was giving a cooking demonstration at the far end of the terrace and whatever he was preparing was producing quite a bit of feedback. We decided to escape to the lower terrace, which esentially is a lawn behind the building. As we sat down on the grass and chatted I noticed a fantastic view of the city.

We picked up our bags and left with dinner in mind but not before pausing to take a couple of random snaps in front of what appeared to be a heinous albeit staged accident/outdoor exhibit.


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