Friday, March 17, 2006

Primary thoughts

Today was a perfect day to be at work. It was gray and the sun was reduced to looking like a bright cotton ball in an otherwise gray sky. This was further emphasized by the contrast of the sky against the lake on the bus ride into work today. It looked more like a Hollywood soundstage as opposed to being real. It might be cloudy out but wait a bit and it will change.

With the opening of "V for Vendetta" this weekend, I couldn't help but wonder if art was imitating life. This timely political thriller is bound to capture an allegiance of fans as well as critics. Would it be worth it to simply see Natalie Portman go all GI Jane?

This is the latest offering from the brothers Wachowski. The same boys responsible for the now overly cribbed and parodied Matrix Trilogy. I can't criticize them, I only saw the first one and was one of the few who didn't have a life change after seeing it. What can I say? I look at things differently so don't hate.

Vendetta is set against the futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, where a young woman named Evey (Portman) is rescued from a life threatening situation by a masked vigilante known only as "V." Skilled in the art of combat and deception, "V" urges his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression.

Mind you this is the stuff of high-minded movies with a political message and the premise is as old as one of my favorite films "Metropolis", which in my opinion was a pioneer in this genre. I have read that the underground Shadow Gallery in "V" was shot on the same soundstage where Fritz Lang filmed in 1927. I'll have to wait and see as I am waiting for the movie "Brick" to come out, but I do have to say I like the teaser posters I've seen for "V" around Chicago.

In other news, the primary elections are on Tuesday the 21st and it looks as if Cook County Board President John Stroger won't be out of the hospital in time for next week's primary election. Although this doesn't seem to be a threat to his position. He was taken to the hospital Tuesday morning after suffering a stroke. What is it with this country allowing candidates of poor health to be in office and make decisions for us?

I'll think I'll vote for Richard Remus for Cook County Sheriff as I always liked that Disney film "Song of the South" with Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit.


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