Tuesday, March 14, 2006

All Is Full of Love

Tuesday morning and I went to bed last night and didn't have to set the alarm. That is a wonderful feeling. Not that my internal clock doesn't usually kick in a around six am or so every day, but just the same its a good feeling.

Is is bright and crisp outside with a few wisps of clouds. If I remember correctly from my junior high years these would be called "cirrus" clouds. Wow, something from my unreal life experiences did stick. Other than remembering how my penis had a mind of it's own during this time too and would be at attention while the teacher was identifying an element of the periodic table.

This entry was born off of a couple of wonderful emails I received this morning from friends whom I haven't seen or spoken to in awhile. I have to say that friends are the fabric that keep us connected. We don't always recognize that they are there to protect us if that makes any sense. I'll have to ponder that esoteric thought and see if I cannot describe it more clearly at a later time.

It's not always easy to admit, but I feel I've come to a good place in my life and I've learned that the handful of good friends in my life have helped to bring me where I am. This is not to say that I don't have my moments and that I don't push the limits of what many would classify as happiness. It's all too human to have those moments where we just want to screw the place we find ourselves at which is true boredom. It's the internal mechanism that provides you with a wake up call.

It's that youthful attribute that tells you to keep pushing allowing you to look at past photos of yourself and chuckle at how you were so into one thing or another. Other places, bad haircuts, good ones, jobs, loves.

So if I may leave a message for the day, it would be to remember that you have a vision. There may be times when it is clearer than others, but it will manifest and provide you with strength if you let it. Control is something that simply cannot be and all is full of love. Well, most everything. I don't want to get too philosophical this early in the morning. You all will wonder what kind of coffee I was drinking.


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