Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Second Date

Life is full of surprises. Monday evening found me happily leaving work as it had been a good day and I was about to enjoy the next couple of days off in addition to having had a long weekend off. The planets were aligned, the scheduling gods were good. My timing must have been right, which is pretty rare for us Libras.

We're the ones with the truly obscure horoscopes that have nothing to do with love, but are all about emotion and career concerns, which I suppose have some truth to them, but c'mon now throw us a bone it's spring.

I was chatting with my friend Kathy about my trip to Minneapolis when my mobile made a beeping noise to let me know there was another caller trying to get through. Much to my pleasant surprise it was John. The guy I referred to in a previous entry, but did not provide a name as I have this fear that if I identify something or categorize it too soon that I will surely sabotage it in one way or another. The power of positive thinking right?

He was in the hood and wanted to get something to eat. He also being of the Libra persuasion. We could not decide on where to eat, so I suggested Cozy Noodles and Rice over Joy's Noodle House. Now, I know you're probably thinking just pick a Noodle House. Well, I did and it was Cozy Noodles. I'm pretty certain I like this place more due to it's happenstance decor of vintage toys and rehabbed sewing machine tables, or possibly the miniature basin basket that the check is served in.

Dinner was an exchange of lively conversation between family relations, personal beliefs and shared experiences. In a nutshell, a good time was had by all.

We left and headed back towards my apartment. We decided to get a cocktail or dessert after dinner, but since there really is no place in Lakeview for a proper dessert in my opinion, we opted for a drink at Mini Bar.

Here we connected on several different areas where I essentially thought I was alone. He made mention that he truly wanted to get to know someone before making that leap into the unknown. So many of us are guilty of the relationship in an instant only to discover that it may have been better to be friends. I will say this though and hopefully will not end up eating my words, but this guy has something really special and I am enjoying getting to know him.

He also mentioned that he likes to cuddle, which incidentally I do too, but often times feel I am perceived as a freak show by others because the general consensus has been a level of sexual compatibility.

I brought up the fact that I felt kissing was far more intimate than sex itself and that frankly there should be a fair amount of sexual tension before the actual act transpires. This of course was aided by our bar tender who did a shot of Tequila with us. I should have stopped there, but of course I was to use John's term in Betty Ford mode. That would be two drinks plus. I'm a lightweight and a cheap date.

Not to bore you, but we did end up going back to his place and spent a lovely evening together. It felt amazing to sleep next to someone and for me, not just anyone, but him. I was grateful for the simple fact that he was able to let down his wall and let me in as when you get to a point where he and I are in life- you have reservation with reason to back it up. Now if only I could find the perfect grapefruit scented candle I would be all set.


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