Tina Turner

I will probably burn in some sort of gay hell for saying this and lord knows, I hope I look as good as her when I'm pushing 60, but Tina Turner looks like a drag queen on the cover of her album Private Dancer. I simply love the use of the black cat with a diamond choker. lol. I guess the 80's were still trying to define themselves from the 70's.
I find it quite interesting to note too that it was not until Capitol Records found success with the UK release of the single 'Let's Stay Together' that this album was released stateside. It was originally thought that she was washed up in America.
I remember having this cassette and listening to it endlessly on my cassette Walkman which I am certain was not a Sony as those were quite expensive back in the day. I recall later discussing this with my friend Tim who shared a passion for music though he grew up lip synching to Donna Summer in his basement and I ABBA. He introduced me to groups like Heaven 17 who helped launch Tina's solo career by producing and providing backing vocals on her debut hit 'Let's Stay Together'.
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