Sunday, March 19, 2006

I want candy

Something in the air reminded me of cotton candy today, which made me think of a rather large woman who was on the train last night chatting away on her cell phone and pulling clumps of smurf blue cotton candy out of a bag and stuffing them into her pie hole.

Oh public transportation. I've been switching it up lately as the train seems to be a bit more reliable as far as getting home. Keep in mind that I live in one of the most heavily populated areas of Chicago and yet there always seem to be a lack of the express bus I take to get to and from work.

This made me think of the bus ride into work this morning and a friend who had said that the drivers on the weekend are all female. I haven't quite put this theory to the test, but the driver this morning was. She had a lead foot and an attitude. There was this poor guy trying to get on after the doors closed. He knocked on the bus doors and she just ignored him and drove on. Then there was an elderly woman getting off at the stop prior to the one I was getting off at.

Now these buses have a lift that lowers and raises for elderly and handicapped passengers. This poor frail wisp of a woman was exiting and she just stood there waiting for the driver to lower this. For a moment I thought the driver was just going to drop kick her out the door. After a brief pause she lowered this lift maybe a two or three inches, no lie, and the poor thing slowly made it to the curb. Now that's just cold.


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