
test is anchored by a strong "J" for judging component. Not the Lady J which is a funnel shaped device women can use to urinate like a man in the woods.
Try as I may, I am not immune to the glut of celebrity gossip I happen upon when reading the pages of The Week magazine's People and it's Gossip column- this is why magazines like Domino and Cottage Living have ceased existing and magazines like People and Us sustain a healthy diet - we are a nation of Haves and Have-Nots.
Regardless, I'm a firm believer that unfavorable or negative press when applied to a celebrity can often times be thinly veiled as a ploy to increase exposure. I can think of three from this past week alone. Joaquin Phoenix and his rumored retirement from acting, Chestica Simpson's weight gain (Jenny Craig are you paying attention to your candidates audition?) and media darling Britney Spears.
I have to admit I read a review of her latest aural opus Circus. One of the tracks is titled ''If You Seek Amy''. There was even mention of this song in the most recent issue of The Week. I'm so dense I couldn't figure out what the hullabaloo was all about until Wally had me phonetically sound it out. Eff-you-see-kay-me indeed!
I was gonna send that pic to Meems. But i suppose she can see it here first.
F U C K Me, if you're even denser than Duke Darling.
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