With Fringe on hiatus until early April and no sleep deprivation chambers to climb into, I've decided to send a couple of recent dreams to our Barista cum Psychoanalyst Holiday Mantis.
As an additional bonus I'm posting the message I sent to her so that you the reader may put your spin on what they mean. Hopefully Ms. Mantis will digest the recently consumed head of her mate and bestow her prophetic vision upon me...
Dream One (March 10, 2009):
Last night I had a dream that my mother took Wally and I to a non-denominational church that our neighbor in Clarence had started. I always felt that her homily’s were a bit too autobiographical for my taste, but if you can get a group of people together once a week to listen to you then you’ve got to be doing something right.
In this dream we arrived at the church and I was dressed in drag. I looked like a cross between Lily Allen and Amy Winehouse, with a bit more emphasis on the latter. I had a crazy headscarf that was keeping my wig attached, which incidentally was blond.
Suffice to say, as dreams are wont to be, it did a quick cut to me performing a song with a band. I was wearing an ill-fitting black slip dress and at the end of the number the two straps on top feel down revealing my man-chest. I ran off stage and woke up.
Dream Two (February 27, 2009):
Wally and I were living in a dicey neighborhood- I realize this is ironic as we already live in Uptown, but I guess I’ve gotten somewhat used to all the crazies. In this dream I had to run an errand and exited through the back of our apartment. The geography of the back area was like San Francisco- hilly. There in the backyard was a beautiful old school building with Neo-Grecian friezes adorning the exterior. There were pudgy Hispanic women scrubbing what appeared to be red and blue pigment off of them.
As I moved forward to get a closer look, I walked on the elevated edge of a parking structure that spiraled down like the Guggenheim Museum but from the top down. On my way down I noticed severed arms and legs swept to the side of these walls. They appeared rather fresh and I was confused as to what had occurred. I surmised that these cleaning women where actually scrubbing off blood that had gotten onto the friezes.
Somewhere between these two dreams I had another one where Elton John was detained by mall security at what I think was an alternative universe version of the Shops at North Bridge on Michigan Avenue -- he had been seen vandalizing a Lego sculpture.
What does it all mean?